Global recruitment Services


VIDAL ASSOCIATES Consulting and Search aims to be an objective and professional interface between employers and job seekers. We assist decision-makers in tracking down and recruiting new talents. A wide range of tools is deployed to fulfil all your needs for advice on human resources.

A global approach

Our executives are headhunted for each client totally in line with the requirements of our client. We conduct a new search for each assignment tailor-made to our client’s needs. Our screening process in unique. When we present a list of recommended executives, besides our thorough interviews and selection process, we also consider the corporate culture of the organisation as well as the management team of our client. Hence in addition to fitting the job profile, we endeavour to present an entire solution to our client. .

Are you looking for this quality of partnership to optimize your recruitments or the evolution of your teams? Let's analyse your needs together! .




Our values and our beliefs



Yes! We expect from our candidates that they possess the technical skills we are looking for, but also the essential soft skills that are, those little extras that allow them to bring real added value to the company.




Confidentiality is at the heart of our business. We respect this rule, but also expect it from our clients and our candidates. Our partnership must be based on mutual trust.



Professionals ... and passionate

Our teams are made up of recruitment professionals. And each and every one is driven by a real passion for the profession and by the human relationship inherent in our activity.



Diversity and ethical values

As it is the case with our multicultural teams, we attach great importance to respecting diversity. This diversity is a guarantee of success within the companies.  


Our offices

Recruitment agency Paris

83 avenue Charles de Gaulle
92 200 Neuilly sur Seine (France)
Tél : + 33 1 55 62 05 00

Contact Paris

Recruitment agency Bordeaux

121 boulevard du Président Wilson
33200 Bordeaux - France
Tél. + 33 5 56 00 74 90

Contact Bordeaux

Recruitment agency Marseille

112 rue Dragon
13006 Marseille
Tél : + 33 4 82 29 20 20

Contact Marseille

Recruitment agency Lyon

Immeuble Le Plaza - 93 rue de la Villette
69425 Lyon Cedex 03
Tél. + 33 4 20 10 25 92

Contact Lyon

Recruitment agency Toulouse

Immeuble Atria
8, Esplanade Compans Caffarelli
31 000 Toulouse
Tél. : + 33 5 62 30 52 33

Contact Toulouse

Cabinet de recrutement Nantes

Tél. : + 33 5 56 00 74 90

Contact Nantes

Cabinet de recrutement Strasbourg

Tél. : + 33 1 55 62 05 00

Contact Strasbourg

Recruitment agency Middle East & Africa

Immeuble Ichbilia Center - Bloc A, RDC - Bureau A0.2
Cité Les Pins - Les Berges du Lac II
1053 Tunis, Tunisie
Tél. + 216 29 59 29 39Tél. + 216 71 94 74 54

Contact Tunis

Recruitment agency Milano

Via Giuseppe Prina, 15
20154 Milano (MI) – Italy
Tél : +39 02 430019223

Contact Milan

Are you looking for solutions to recruit or manage your human capital?
Contact us !

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Vidal Associates

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