Become an actor of your own success

Individual and professional Coaching 

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Executive Coaching
a focus on individual growth and development.

Derived from the methods developed by sports coaches, executive coaching is a management tool designed to accompany an individual at a key moment in their professional life

Our coach works in partnership with the client to provide structure, guidance and support. This allows the client to take a complete look at their current state, set relevant and realistic goals for themselves, based on their own nature and needs, take relevant and realistic actions toward reaching their goals and continue to reflect on their actions and sharing feedback with others along the way.

Professional development coaching includes a series of guided conversations that enable the client to discover and implement professional and personal solutions to move towards the client's goals. These solutions, because they are intrinsic to the client are more likely to succeed and endure than solutions imposed externally..


The clear and measurable benefits of individual coaching can include:


Leading change and in times of crisis

Successful role transition

Managing stress and conflict

Increased confidence, self-belief and enjoyment

Executive Coaching with VIDAL ASSOCIATES Consulting & Search

The coaching process is lead in partnership with a certified professional coach.

Whether you are a manager, a member of the general management, an employee or in transition…

Together we define your goals : specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely.

And it is together that we plan your success over ten to twelve sessions.


1.Discussions to assess the clients' background, knowledge and main characteristics in their professional and personal environment

2. Feed back on the assessment in order to strenghten the goal, emphasize the strenghts and weaknesses

3. Redefine the goal and the action plan in order to resolve the difficulties that appeared during the assessment.

4. Interviews to analyze the career path and identify the main characteristics of the person's behavior, motivations and potential

6. Guided conversations to understand the major steps to achieving the goal.

7. Feed back to the client on the progress made during the previous sessions and continue to explore the , different aspects of their personnality (strenghts, weaknesses, motivations, …).

8. Analysis of the intervention and conclusions

Know more about executive coaching ?
Let's talk


Contact us

Our offices

Recruitment agency Paris

83 avenue Charles de Gaulle
92 200 Neuilly sur Seine (France)
Tél : + 33 1 55 62 05 00

Contact Paris

Recruitment agency Bordeaux

121 boulevard du Président Wilson
33200 Bordeaux - France
Tél. + 33 5 56 00 74 90

Contact Bordeaux

Recruitment agency Marseille

112 rue Dragon
13006 Marseille
Tél : + 33 4 82 29 20 20

Contact Marseille

Recruitment agency Lyon

Immeuble Le Plaza - 93 rue de la Villette
69425 Lyon Cedex 03
Tél. + 33 4 20 10 25 92

Contact Lyon

Recruitment agency Toulouse

Immeuble Atria
8, Esplanade Compans Caffarelli
31 000 Toulouse
Tél. : + 33 5 62 30 52 33

Contact Toulouse

Cabinet de recrutement Nantes

Tél. : + 33 5 56 00 74 90

Contact Nantes

Cabinet de recrutement Strasbourg

Tél. : + 33 1 55 62 05 00

Contact Strasbourg

Recruitment agency Middle East & Africa

Immeuble Ichbilia Center - Bloc A, RDC - Bureau A0.2
Cité Les Pins - Les Berges du Lac II
1053 Tunis, Tunisie
Tél. + 216 29 59 29 39Tél. + 216 71 94 74 54

Contact Tunis

Recruitment agency Milano

Via Giuseppe Prina, 15
20154 Milano (MI) – Italy
Tél : +39 02 430019223

Contact Milan

Are you looking for solutions to recruit or manage your human capital?
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