YOU have talent

Tomorrow you will be joining one of our clients !

our JOBS

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Tomorrow, YOU will be joining one of our client companies

Because your working life is naturally one of your chief concerns, we are at hand to make it a success. Providing you with appropriate, rapid and objective support at an important point in your professional career is not just an ambition - it’s our commitment to you as a recruitment agency and part of our involvement with our clients..

An interaction

As well as analyzing the match between your personality and our client's plans, we offer you our experience and advice to get your career in better focus.

Whether you are an executive, senior executive, director, manager, specialist or sales and marketing person... we will determine together whether if are THE candidate our client is looking for. And likewise, we will analyse what benefits an offer of employment might bring to your career and your plans. We do all we can to get to know you better and to work things out together, to help you to position yourself in the market.. has been created at the initiative of de VIDAL ASSOCIATES Consulting & Search and its partners for an optimal treatment of the applications. This jobboard with a shared database allows us to support you accurately, quickly and objectively.

Our job offers

By following this link you will be redirected to our jobboards You may also want to visit the Talent'Executive area which presents job offers for executive profiles. On we invite you to create your personal area in which you can upload your CV and can create an email alert in order to receive the latest job offers

Are you looking for solutions to recruit or manage your human capital?
Contact us !

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Vidal Associates

Vidal Associatesconseil en recrutement et approche directe


Talentupdécouvrez notre site carrière

Recrutement IT

Recrutement-ittoutes nos offres d’emploi dans l’univers numérique

MPE OutSourcing

MPE Outsourcingconseil et recrutement énergie, oil & gas


NeoCVapplication tracking system

Emplois Vin

Emplois-vintoutes nos offres d’emploi dans l’univers du vin