Executive Search et Headhunting

Focus on seeking excellence

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Executive Search or Direct Search
a targeted and focused approach to recruiting the best talents on the market.


Executive Search, Direct Search, Headhunting ...... VIDAL ASSOCIATES Consulting & Search has the manpower, the experience and the expertise required to approach the finest individuals in France and abroad.

Headhunting is justfied when the profile sought is rare on the market. It is confidential approach to reach candidates who are not actively seeking a job.



Undeniable assets

As a professional headhunter in Executive Search, VIDAL ASSOCIATES Consulting & Search has an experienced team whose comprehensive and systematic approach of the market makes it possible to track down the finest potential candidates. Ever-expanding databases, on-going contacts with business organisations and schools and a perfect knowledge of the social media networks allow us to have a rapid and efficient approach of the candidates for executive positions.


A pertinent approach

Executive search recruitment calls for an excellent understanding of the skills market and a strict set of ethics. Confidentiality and dialogue lie at the heart of our dealings with the potential candidates and the companies we serve. Our conduct is based on high standards and respect – values shared by all of our teams.

Focus on seeking excellence

Hearing and understanding is at the heart of our relationship with our clients. You entrust us with your expectations, but it is together that we will find the best way to establish contact with the candidate that suits you. We will help you in this approach, thanks to a state of the art methodology, the finest evaluation tools, a clearly defined schedule and transparent information throughout our mission. Our recruitment methodologies allow us to immediately implement a perfectly targeted search strategy for even greater efficiency. We are constantly monitoring the evolution of new information and communication technologies and use the most advanced tools and media.

1. Defining the profile.

Discuss and ensure in depth understanding of the client’s organisation, its corporate culture and the market.

2. Market analysis & search strategy

The analysis of the market, the field of activity and the competition allows us to define the most appropriate search strategy to reach the target candidates.

3. Identification and selective approach of relevant executives

Our technique of approaching candidates by our talent acquisition team allows us to identify and contact the people in the target group and to establish a short list of those selected. This step also gives a clear vision of the market and the specificities (availability, remuneration....).

4. Interviews and screening of selected candidates, assessment

Job interviews with our consultant, thorough assessment of shortlisted candidates and face to face interview between the client and the qualified candidates..

7. Taking up references, verification of credentials

An essential step in recruitment to avoid fraud, detect "mistakes" and validate objective data.

8. Assistance in the decision making process

We assist you in making the decision to recruit taking into consideration the personality, the skills and the remuneration of the candidate.

9. Post-placement control on the performance of the candidate in the company

We guarantee a follow-up of the integration of the candidate and regularly carry out a follow-up with the company and the person hired.

Are you looking for solutions to recruit or manage your human capital?
Contact us !

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