YOU have talent!

Tomorrow you will join one of our clients !

Jobs by
Vidal associates Consulting and Search

By clicking on the jobs below, you will be redirected to our jobboard

Don't forget to visit the Talent'Executive space in which you will find executive management jobs. On you can register your CV,  subscribe to the e-mail alert and thus optimizing your chances of being contacted for one of our future missions.

Chargé de recherche en recrutement / Talent Acquisition H/F
19/04/2024 - VA15146V

Paris (Porte Maillot)

Chargé de recherche en recrutement / Talent Acquisition H/F
16/02/2024 - VA15145V

Paris (Porte Maillot)

Chargé de recrutement H/F
15/04/2024 - Vb15135L


Consultant en recrutement H/F
16/02/2024 - VA14939V

Neuilly sur seine (Porte Maillot)

Consultant B2B en recrutement H/F
26/04/2024 - Vt14786F

Tunis (Tunisie)

Talent Acquisition Specialist MEA H/F
25/04/2024 - Vt14328F

Tunis (Tunisie)

Office Assistant(e) H/F
24/04/2024 - Vt13305F

Tunis (Tunisie)


Assistante Polyvalente h/f



Chargé de Recherche - Futur Consultant H/F

Neuilly sur Seine

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Vidal Associates

Vidal Associatesconseil en recrutement et approche directe


Talentupdécouvrez notre site carrière

Recrutement IT

Recrutement-ittoutes nos offres d’emploi dans l’univers numérique

MPE OutSourcing

MPE Outsourcingconseil et recrutement énergie, oil & gas


NeoCVapplication tracking system

Emplois Vin

Emplois-vintoutes nos offres d’emploi dans l’univers du vin